Hot Stone Massage

hot stonesThe stone layout is typically along both sides of the spine, or along the chakra centers on top. While these layout stones are delivering concentrated centres of heat, Allison is simultaneously massaging with oiled, heated stones held in the palm of her hands with firm strokes along the muscles of the legs, arms, and torso areas.

An authentic hot stone massage is not simply the “gliding” of heated stones lightly upon the surface of the skin, but rather the stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable to the client. The client can request light, medium or deep pressure, which is the beauty of the hot stone massage technique. It can be customized in an instant to the request of the client.

The heat from the stones relaxes muscles, increases the blood flow to the area being worked on which further accelerates the healing process. This increase in circulation and the relaxation of the muscles also aids in mental relaxation. Mental relaxation is key when Allison is attempting to work into deeper muscles of the body.
